Every road is connected
All roads lead to all destinations
At least to all destinations where someone has already been
Until we choose to go off road
To go somewhere where roads do not exist
But we have still been there before
Rain falls from the sky
Feeding lakes and rivers
Flowing to the sea and going back home along the way
Did that rain drop of water really make it all the way to the sea?
Once it became part of the connectedness,
Could it ever go back to being the same rain drop?
It was lost and found at the same time
But wasn’t it always connected, even when it did exist as a single drop of rain?
The smallest particles of the river
squished up against the smallest particles of the sky
Some outside perception determining a certain separation between the two
But aren’t they always together?
Just a different delineation is being made
Related articles
- Your Body Is A Mirror Of Your Life (wakingtimes.com)
- Rain drops on snapdragons.jpg (patriciamanhire.wordpress.com)
- Can one be disconnected from Self? (teachingsofmasters.wordpress.com)
- Feet by feet. (vandevenbram.wordpress.com)
- Rain Drops Falling Like Kamikazes (wordswithoutpages.wordpress.com)
- Rain drops (seasonsinherlife.wordpress.com)
- Rainey Daze (tabbycatnbears.wordpress.com)
- RAIN “Look what i Got” (VIDEO) (cynosurebeats.wordpress.com)
- Goodbye Weather (teseboletswe.wordpress.com)
- City-ness (debolinacoomar.wordpress.com)